Mears Statistics is the result of synergy between RISTEKDIKTI – PPUPIK and the Faculty of Medicine  University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) which is the first medical and health statistics business unit in East Java.

  • MEARS is a biostatistics service center that helps  clients to obtain optimal research results in the field of health and medicine so that they can contribute to the development of new knowledge and clinical evidence of therapy, diagnosis, prognosis and etiology as part of evidence-based health services EBM (Evidence Based Medicine).


  1. Assisting clients/teaching staff/students:

  2. In compiling research methods for final assignments

  3. In selecting hypothesis tests for final assignments

  4. In processing and analyzing final assignment data

  5. In interpreting statistical results  final assignment


  1. First medical and health data processing and analysis in East Java

  2. Data processing and analysis in other fields of study

  3. Training, Workshop and creation of Statistics Books

  4. Training, Workshop and creation of Statistics Books