Organizational Structure

A good organizational structure w ill ensure that the administration of guidance for the Medical Education Program (PPD) and the Clinical MedicineProgram (PSPD) of UMM. FK UMM is led by Dr. dr. Meddy Setiawan, Sp.PD FINASIM as dean since 2018 and carried out his duties in order to achieve the vision and mission accompanied by Dr. dr. Ruby Riana Asparini, Sp.BP-RE (K) (WD 1), dr. Sri Adila Nurainiwati, Sp.KK. FINSDV (WD 2) and dr. Indra Setiawan, Sp.THT-KL (WD 3) and dr. Irma Suswati, M.Kess as Chair of the Faculty Quality Assurance.

Organizational Structure of Faulty of Medicine

The management of two study programs at FK UMM, namely the Medical Education Program (PPD) and the Clinical MedicineProgram (PSPD) was carried out under the leadership of Dr. dr Fathiyah Safithri M.Kes (Head of PPD Study Program) and dr. Mochamad Bahrudin, Sp.S (head of PSPD study program) assisted by their respective secretaries.

Organizational Structure of Medical Education Program


Organizational Structure of Clinical Medicine Program


Dosen-Tendik dan Struktural