Industrial medicine is better known as occupational health which is defined as a condition of an individual free from physical, mental, emotional or pain disorders caused by the work environment. Occupational health problems can happen to everyone, because work is a part of life and people need work as a source of income needed to meet the needs of themselves and their families. In the world of work, the implementation of occupational health efforts is required based on the concept of universal human rights. In Indonesia, this is regulated by laws and regulations and the economic principles of healthy, productive and prosperous workers in addition to being the most valuable company assets can also prevent losses (losses).

Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City (Malang Raya) are quite densely populated residential and industrial areas. The growth of small, medium and medium industries has been very rapid in the last ten years. However, unfortunately, health problems in the worker community and the community around the industry have not received enough attention from all of us. For that reason, the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, in accordance with its vision and mission, is determined to produce graduate doctors who have competence in the field of industrial medicine, so that preventive, promotive, curative, and rehabilitative efforts can be applied in the work environment. The expected end result is that the worker community and the community around the workplace can remain protected so that their productivity remains optimal.


The lecture materials and industrial medicine practices delivered at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Malang are as follows:

  • Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) in the worker community
  • Communication
  • Basic concepts of K3 (Occupational Health and Safety) in companies and hospitals
  • Laws and regulations regarding occupational health
  • Early detection of health problems in the worker community
  • Environmental Factors / Work Environment that affect worker health
  • Worker Nutrition
  • Health Promotion through the media communication
  • Critically reviewing research journals related to the field of K3 and Occupational Diseases.
  • Ergonomics
  • Industrial psychology
  • Diagnosis of Occupational Diseases (PAK), PAK management, and PAK reporting system
  • Assessment of Disability & Compensation
  • Field visit (visit to industrial site)


In addition, lecturers are also required to carry out the Tridharma of Higher Education in accordance with the vision, mission and objectives of the UMM Medical Faculty, namely conducting research and community service in the field of industrial medicine.

Some of these activities include community service carried out in Klaseman, Karangbesuki sub-district, Malang City. This area is a center for small and medium-scale sanitary industries in the city of Malang that has been running for a very long time, even starting before 1945. This industrial center produces various products made from cement and sand, such as flower pots, garden lights, bathroom tubs, garden chairs and tables, etc., and serves orders from local Malang Raya, as well as orders from outside the city.

Community service that has been held is the delivery of medical and health education in the fields of internal medicine, occupational health, skin and genitals, ENT, nerves, and will soon be followed by education in other fields of medicine and health.

This activity also involves students so that they have early experience to see and observe how workers carry out industrial processes. In addition, students can see several health hazards that can be caused by the process, and then they can practice expressing opinions or input regarding things that can be improved in this sanitary industrial process. From this input, it is expected to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases that can harm the productivity of workers and the sanitation company.

The leading program owned by FK UMM is the "Hyperkes and Occupational Safety Training Program for Company Doctors" which was determined by the Muhammadiyah Medical and Health Education Association No. 62/APKKM/XI/2020. This leading program is a form of implementation of the vision and mission of FK UMM to produce professional and superior graduates in the field of industrial medicine. With this superior program of FK UMM, doctors who graduate from FK UMM already have the provisions and are ready to jump in as company doctors.