History of FK UMM

History of the Faculty of Medicine UMM

The Medical Education Study Program was established to meet the community's demand for health care facilities that are still not evenly distributed in Indonesia. Welcoming this dynamic era, it is hoped that the contribution of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, in producing professional doctors based on science and professionalism as well as Islamic medical ethics. With various facilities, academic and student service systems, as well as Islamic nuances, God willing, students can develop themselves in a conducive and fun learning atmosphere.

The Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Malang received a permit for establishment on September 25, 2001 with no:3079/D/T/2001 and dated June 29, 2012 with number: 017/BAN-PT/Ak-XV/SI/VI/2012 Medical Education Study Program UMM Accreditation Rating B